Friday, August 24, 2012

What are the Causes and Symptoms of Acne?

Small is known about the cause of acne though, as noted earlier, it's the direct result of excess oil production in the skin. This is caused by the presence of increased levels of testosterone, or the male hormone in the body, which excuses why it sets in at puberty.

What is Acne?

There are a few basics or information you need to know about this skin problem. Acne, which is also called acne vulgaris, is caused by the extra secernment of oil in the skin or sebum. The oil is created by the sebaceous glands present inner the hair follicle thick inside the skin.

The build-up of oil in the follicle causes goes to the typical pimples or lumps on the face. These blows can be separated into 5 classes. Comedones are plugs in the skin that grow when the oil blocks the center.

What are comedones?

Comedones turn into white heads and blackheads when there's a build of oil and keratin squamae or dead skin cells in the pore. The opening of the pore also tends to arrive dilated.

The future stage whenever the growth of papules or pustules, which grow when bacteria multiply in the pore and cause contagion. The blows then bend into lumps deep in the skin and are inflamed and terrible.

Lastly, cysts or boils are clean big sac-like structures that rise in the hair follicle and are really painful even to the lightest touch.

When does Acne set in?

There are rare cases of infant acne but the disease commonly seems in puberty and adolescence. In fact, eighty-five per cent of cases fall under this age bracket and are the cause of more anxiety among teenagers.

When acne sets in before this, it mainly affects girls, and when it persists stubbornly into maturity, over again, female person* are many wide affected. During the teen age, the more dangerous cases generally affect boys.

The disorder commonly marks the face but in a few cases, it can spread to the neck, chest and back also.

What Causes Acne?

Small is known about the cause of acne though, as noted earlier, it's the direct result of excess oil production in the skin. This is caused by the presence of increased levels of testosterone, or the male hormone in the body, which excuses why it sets in at puberty.

This is a stage when there are many hormonal changes as the boy matures and an unbalance in androgens causes the skin to flare up. Acne commonly lasts for about 5 years but often lingers for a longer period.

Acne affects people of every age, all across the globe. However, there's a particular time in human life when acne breakout is considered natural - the adolescence. This is the growing-up age and due to hormonal modifies in the body acne is caused.

The common perception that it's basically a teenager's problem and doesn't affect the adults is wrongly. The truth is that it affects as much as 25% of males and around 50% of women of every age. It means that as several men and women have faced acne problem once in their lives later attaining maturity.

Acne doesn't affect only one's skin but a lot of time it affects one's brain also. It's, of course, not related to whatever mental disorder but it's been found to cause depression in a few people. This is primarily because, a few people attach overweening importance to looks and since acne affects one's appearance, it makes some of us thinking low of ourselves.

Blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts are several forms of acne vulgaris. However, they're quite another from one another. Blackheads are caused when the centers in the skin get partially choked. Their black look isn't the result of the dirt trapped inside but comes from the melanin secreted by the skin.

Whiteheads are caused by total blockage of pores, and their white appearance is attributable to the bacteria inner, which causes the sebum to turn in to fatty acid. Papules are relatively little, tender, red spots or blows while pustules are a small bigger, inflamed spots that are filled with pus. They also seem red.

When big, hard blows come below the skin they're either nodules or cysts. The difference is that cysts can be infected and deep inflamed causing lots of trouble.

Source: What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Acne?

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