Monday, March 3, 2014

Air Cooler Price in India (Bajaj Kenstar Symphony Usha Lexus Dolphin Vibrant Cooler Fan Breeze)

Air coolers have been available in India for a long time even before air conditioners were available. Air coolers are affordable to many and come in portable sizes as well. Below are a list of various air coolers and their prices in India (bajaj kenstar symphony usha lexus dolphin vibrant cooler fan breeze).

Air cooler prices in India from (Indian online store, advertises often in TOI):
  • Air cooler                                             Price (in Indian Rupees)
  • Usha Lexus PC2214APersonal Cooler, Cooler                  3,200
  • Mc Coy PC 702, Cooler                          3,200
  • Birla Lifestyle Icy Tower, Cooler               3,495
  • Kenstar Little 434, Cooler                                   3,700
  • Bajaj PC 2005, Cooler                            3,700
  • Symphony DiET 8T, Cooler                                 3,850
  • Symphony Ninja, Cooler                                     3,902
  • Kenstar Little Cooler DxCP0118H, Cooler                         3,990
  • Symphony Kaizen Jr, Cooler                   4,290
  • Bajaj Coolest PC 2000, Cooler                4,290
  • Symphony Surround, Cooler                               4,490
  • Kenstar Vibrant CT 9924, Cooler                         4,590
  • Bajaj TC 2003, Cooler                             4,600
  • Symphony Hycool, Cooler                                  4,667
  • Bajaj PC 2000 DLX, Cooler                                 4,690
  • Bajaj COOLEST SB2003, Cooler                         4,990
  • Symphony Jumbo Jr, Cooler                               4,990
  • Birla Lifestyle Mist Little, Cooler              4,995
  • Bajaj TC 2008, Cooler                             5,590
  • Symphony Sumo Junior, Cooler              5,600
  • Birla Lifestyle Chilly Tower, Cooler                       5,750
  • Usha Super Breeze PC2540A, Cooler                  5,750
  • Bajaj Coolest MD 2000, Cooler                5,790
  • Kenstar Slimline, Cooler                                     5,890
  • Usha Lexus Sameer Jr, Cooler                5,899
  • Symphony Kaizen, Cooler                                  5,990
  • Kenstar SMART COOL SD 0434, Cooler              6,000
  • Kenstar Climatizer - KCM40V1W-CFR, Cooler                  8,000
  • Kenstar Turbocool DX 9704 C, Cooler                              8,190
  • Bajaj Coolest RC 2004 T Rotochill, Cooler                        8,390
  • Kenstar Cyclone Super CD 2008, Cooler              8,690
  • Usha Ajeet Double Blower RC1650A, Cooler                    8,790
  • Usha New Cllasic Max DC2755A, Cooler                         9,100
  • Usha Attlantic DC2560A, Cooler                          9,390
  • Usha Atlantic Surround DC2660A, Cooler                         9,490
  • Kenstar Slim Line SD 0434, Cooler                                  7,190
  • Bajaj RC 2004, Cooler                                        7,370
  • Bajaj Coolest DC 2000, Cooler                            7,490
  • Bajaj Coolest DB 2000, Cooler                            7,690
  • Usha Lexus Sameer, Cooler                                           7,699
  • Symphony Winter, Cooler                                               7,800
  • Kenstar Climatizer Classic - KCA40G1W-CDZ, Cooler      7,850
  • Bajaj Coolest RC 2004 Rotochill, Cooler               7,990
  • Bajaj DC 2009 Sleeq, Cooler                               7,990
  • Usha Dolphin Cooler PC2524A, Cooler                 6,050
  • Kenstar Vibrant KCB18W3H-CFR Remote, Cooler            6,190
  • Symphony DiET 50T, Cooler                               6,400
  • Birla Lifestyle AC-20L-03, Cooler                                     6,495
  • Kenstar TURBOCOOL 9704, Cooler                                 6,500
  • Symphony Jumbo, Cooler                                               6,690
  • Kenstar Cyclone, Cooler                                                 6,890
  • Symphony Sumogo, Cooler                                            7,006
  • Bajaj DC 2004, Cooler                                        7,070

Air cooler prices from (eBay India) (used or new):
  • Air cooler                                             Price (in Indian Rupees)
  • 4in1 battery fan emergency light cooler ty rechargeable, Summer POWER CUT solution! FREE 200/- swiss knife stars            1,650
  • Solar ac air conditioner / cooler -save money & nature, use 40% less electricity for you air conditioners !!                  65,000
  • 4-in-1 emergency rechargeable cooler fan night light fm                 1,640

I have been noticing that some electronic or consumer electronic stores are selling these goods at same price as market price (other electronic stores) but place a higher MRP tag and an offer price tag showing a discount. It helps to check several stores to get a good idea of current prices in the market before deciding to buy. It applies to online shopping as well.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Buy Cheapest Room Cooler Online
at Sargam Electronics in Delhi-ncr.

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