Guest posting is one of the best options available for
getting some inbounds for your blog or website. However guest posting is not as
simple as it sounds. There are not many bloggers that allow guest posting and
among them you may not get response for guest post requests.
Generally to get maximum benefit out of guest posting
bloggers look for highly popular blogs like problogger to host their guest
post. Though problogger is now almost running on guest posts, it must be
receiving too many guest post requests than what we see being published.
Likewise all popular blogs have this selection problem. This creates
competition; you will have to work out a competitive advantage.
Yet at the same time one needs to build reputation and trust
with these bloggers before they can put a guest post request. This isn’t really
as hard as it can sound. But when we look at them in detail, you will also have
to build your blog with content that the host blogger will have no problem in
letting his readers visit it.
This can be difficult for blogs that you have already
created without any proper plan, but all these constraints imply that starting
out a fresh blog and using guest posting as the first referral option is a great
idea. That means one should consider this whole process as a new system. It is
lot easier to start a new blog with a good plan for its niche and content and
also work on guest posting backlinks than to rework existing blog and look for
guest posting options for it.
However alternative option can be to do deeper search into
blogs for guest posting. Find huge number of blogs that allow guest posting.
Find them from Google blog search and also from the blogs you already know
which get blog links from commenters and guest posters, some of which allow
guest posting. You should also find some blogs from your won social network,
online blogging communities that are already part of. By looking for blogs that
are not so popular and not totally new, you can find it rather easier to gain
their trust and do guest posting at their blogs.
When you have a huge list of blogs allowing guest posting,
you have option to filter the ones that suit your niche, filter those that gain
your trust or simply the math will work out some out of many requests to get
Good luck with your guest posting endeavors.
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